Why will your computer not run Yahoo version ten instant messaging client with Microsoft Windows seven operating system? The instant you click on someone, Yahoo Messenger instantly crashes. You will receive those same results with Yahoo Messenger version nine client software.
Yahoo Messenger version 8.1 works for messaging, but with video on a webcam you get an error message about incorrect character in that software program, frozen pictures, and eventually your entire computer operating system crashes and requires a reboot. Also, you have removed your Yahoo Messenger client software and installed it again.
You will want to download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash player. Also, you will want to download and install the latest version of Java software program. Hopefully, that will resolve your issue.
You will want to make sure your only trying to install one version of Yahoo Messenger client software at a time on your computer operating system. Yahoo Messenger version ten will not work without Adobe Flash player or Java software installed. Upgrading both Adobe Flash Player and Java to newer versions is encouraged, if you have both those software programs installed already.