RealPlayer – How to Fix Your Real Player SP Video Library Problem

You have Real Network Star Player software installed on your computer. All of a sudden you cannot access your videos. Names of some videos are listed in your library, but when you try to open one of them, you receive a message that a video could not be found.

You have tried to open up many of your videos which are listed in your library, but you always receive a message that a video could not be found. You will want to check to make sure your default downloads directory did not get changed accidentally. A default location for RealPlayer video downloads is:

C:\Documents and Settings\[current user]\My Documents\My Videos\RealPlayer Downloads

Where [current user] will be the name of your Microsoft Windows operating system username on your Microsoft Windows Vista operating system based computer you are logged in with. You will want to browse to that directory in order to make certain that you can see your video files. If you see your video files at that location then you will want to browse into RealPlayer Settings in order to to make certaint that it is set to that same folder.

In order to verify or change that location, you will want to follow these instructions:

You will need to open RealPlayer and then click on Tools. Now you will want to select Preferences and then click on Download & Record from a left menu. Then you will want to click a Browse button next to Save Files To and then select a new location where you want your video downloads saved to.

If it is not that same location you verified in that step above. If that location matches with your folder that has videos, then you will not need to change it. These instructions and tips were written for Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, but can certainly be used for other Microsoft Windows operating systems as a basis point.