I received another customer question, on a third party website where I earn supplemental income answering computer and technology related questions. Their question is below quoted verbatim:
My camera is saying it cannot be found. It is built into the computer and I cannot figure out how to get it fixed. I have downloaded a driver support but it did not seem to fix the problem either.
This customer has a Lenovo Flex four laptop computer with Microsoft Windows ten operating system installed. They downloaded a driver support software application in order to update their camera driver, but that did not fix the problem. They also tried to get into their antivirus software and check some configuration settings but that was not successful either.
Let me cut to the chase and potentially save you some time. What most likely fixed this issue was this simple step. The Lenovo Flex four has a video camera key that is located near the F8 function key.
This is an integrated video camera toggle switch. What this means is, if the video camera is enabled, then pressing this key will disable the camera. Pressing this key again would enable the camera.
This customer pressed the camera key once, and low and behold she was able to use her video camera. Microsoft Windows ten operating system has a video camera software application that you can use to quickly test a webcamera. If that does not solve your problem, then as an added bonus I will give you some potential tips that still may fix your problem with your Lenovo Flex four web video camera not working.
You will want to check to make sure any antivirus or third party firewall software are not blocking your video camera. You will need to browse to Device Manager and see if it is listed under Imaging Devices. If that video camera device has a yellow exclamation point next to it, chances are you just need to install or remove and install again a Lenovo Flex 4 video camera driver.
You will want to make certain that that device is not disabled in Device Manager. Then you can check to see if the webcam was turned off under the camera Privacy settings in Microsoft Windows ten operating system or in Lenovo Settings. These instructions and tips were written for Microsoft Windows ten operating system but can certainly be used as a basis point for other Microsoft Windows operating systems.