Could this be a reason why your computer is shutting off not expectedly?
Log Name: System Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power PM Task Category: None Level: Critical Keywords: (2) User: SYSTEM Computer: Owner-PC Description: The last sleep transition was unsuccessful. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, failed, or lost power during the sleep transition. Event Xml:
You have tried a MSCONFIG option using selective startup and nothing changed. You could try to use Microsoft Windows operating system restore point in order to revert any changes made to your Microsoft Vista operating system based computer. Also, you can try checking your basic input output system in order to make sure it is not set to power off when in hibernation or sleep mode.
You can try entering your computers basic input output system by hitting either an ESC, F1, or DELETE key when that computer first powers on. If you are using a laptop computer, you will want to make sure you have your active current power adapter plugged in or if that battery gets drained enough that default basic input output system and operating system sleep settings will cause that computer to shut down. You could also try to update your video graphics card drivers to their latest release from the manufacturer website.
You will want to Make sure that you have Microsoft Vista operating system service pack version two installed. One other tip is to make sure you did not disable a Microsoft Windows Vista operating system hibernation file when using Microsoft Vista's system cleanup utility. You can check out this how to restore Microsoft Windows eXPerience to a previous state article for instructions on how to use system restore.
Also, you can read over this how to obtain the latest Vista service pack article that will show you how to obtain Microsoft Windows Vista operating system service pack version two. This Disk Cleanup Tool article explains how to make sure hibernation was not affected when running disk cleanup.
You might be able to perform a Microsoft Windows operating system restore. You would want to restore Microsoft Windows back to before you were having this problem with Microsoft Office software. You can read over these instructions below showing you how to perform a Microsoft Windows operating system restore.
You can click on the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system start menu button. Then you will want to type System Restore into a search box. Then you will want to select System Restore.
You can click on Continue in order to access the user account control dialogue. Now you will want to click Next. You should see a list of available Microsoft Windows operating system restore points.
You will want to choose one that you think was before you were having problems with Microsoft Office software. There might be a Show restore points older than 5 days check box. Selecting that check box will show more restore points if available.
You can choose your Microsoft Windows operating system restore point by clicking on one. Then you can click Next. In that last screen you will want to click on Finish.
This will begin the Microsoft Windows operating system restore process. Your computer will automatically restart. Hopefully, this will fix your Microsoft Office software suite problem.
If not, I have two additional scans you can run. Also, you would want to run malware, spyware, and virus scans. You can run both checkdisk and system file check scans.
chkdsk c: /f /rsfc /scannow