You are receiving a RUNDLL load error on startup. You get repeat messages of C:\doc\admin\applic\micros-1protectgpwx.pu. It takes several clicks to close that error message.
You don’t know what is missing but it doesn’t seem to effect operation of your laptop. You might have malware on your computer that your anti virus is not detecting. I recommend you download and run a FREE MalwareBytes scan.
Make sure MalwareBytes is updated before you begin that scan. You may need to boot your computer into Windows safe mode with networking. Also, please download and install free CCleaner after running malwarebytes.
Use CCleaner for cleaning your PC and registry cleaning. You may need to run both clean and registry scans more then once. You might want to disable your antivirus while running Malwarebytes.
Please remove any detected objects. You might need to reboot your computer for all objects to become removed. Please run Ccleaner registry and clean scans after that malwarebytes scan completes.
Reboot that computer and see if those rundll errors disappear.